Real estate portfolio
in Cyprus

About Life in Cyprus and Permanent Residency

About Real Estate in Cyprus

About Taxes and Investments

May 30, 2024

Cyprus: All About Life and Investment on the Island

Cyprus lies in the eastern most corner of the Mediterranean Sea –  floating in between Crete, Turkey, Egypt, and Western Asia. 

The Republic of Cyprus includes most of the main island and some nearby islands: Geronissos, Glykiotissa, Kili, Kiedes, Kordylia and Mazaki. 

The remaining portion of the main island of Cyprus is considered the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 

Though, the entire island is open and accessible to all residents.

Nature and Culture

Cyprus is one of the sunniest spots on the planet. 

The subtropical climate of the Mediterranean attracts visitors to Cyprus all year round: nearly 8 months of the year are a hot and dry summer and the remaining 4 months are a mild, humid winter. 

Air temperatures rarely drop below +10°C [50° F]. 

The island’s natural habitat includes:

  • The Mediterranean
  • Azure lagoons
  • Picturesque mountain ranges
  • Fields of anemones, poppies and irises
  • Eucalyptus groves
  • Evergreen forests

The cultural landscape is equally as rich, with a milenia of heritage, unique local traditions, and incredible cuisine all co-existing in the modern developed infrastructure of cosmopolitan cities. 

Cyprus’ oldest known settlements have been dated to reach back 6 to 9 thousand years. 

The island’s history and historical significance is everywhere:

  • Aphrodite’s Bath
  • The Fortress of Paphos City
  • Kolossi Castle

The historically predominant religion in Cyprus is Orthodox Christianity, and ancient churches and temples dot the island.


The majority of Cypriots identify as members of the Greek Cypriot community. 

Until 1960, Cyprus was a British colony, and English is still widely spoken on the island – 20% of Cyprus residents (1 in 5 residents) are expats.

Native Cypriots are known for their  laid-back approach to life, hospitality, and friendliness. 

Cypriot holidays, especially weddings, are celebrated lavishly.

Most Cypriots adhere to conservative traditions – driven to enjoy life at their own pace, and family the main value.

Cypriots possess a high level of national pride and identity: locals do not like being considered Greeks.


Cyprus was globally ranked 32nd [2019 ranking] and has a safety coefficient of 8.88 – for comparison, Iceland’s coefficient is 6.16.

Serious and violent crimes are incredibly rare in Cyprus – there are no areas to avoid. 


In recent years, Cyprus has prioritized sustainability and environmental issues – especially for the construction sector. 

Restrictions on high-rise coastal construction have been introduced (for example, in Paphos). This not only preserves picturesque sea views, but also maintains water and shoreline cleanliness.

Over 60 beaches in Cyprus have been awarded the “Blue Flag”. 

Many real estate developers use advanced “green technologies” and materials with environmental efficiency certificates, and residential complexes and houses are often equipped with solar panels. 

The island’s geographical location requires developers and properties to be certified as adhering to strict seismic requirements.


Major international companies are based in Cyprus, and the island has become an EU and Asian hub for IT startups. 

Living in Cyprus is safe, familiar, and comfortable: major cities have everything – shopping malls, cinemas, private and municipal hospitals, universities, schools and kindergartens. 

Cyprus’ roads are among the best in Europe. The transport network is highly developed.

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